The Book Recommendations of Highly Effective Leaders
A business leader’s reading list.
If you’ve done some reading in the business and leadership category, you probably already know something about the habits of highly effective people. But what about the bookshelves of highly effective people? Our CEO, Christine, reached out to 20 inspiring leaders to ask what leadership books they’d recommend. A few people had the same titles in mind – a definite case of great minds thinking (and reading) alike.
Here’s what they said:
1. Radical Candor by Kim Scott – recommended by Aspen Peggs, Founder and CEO of Northern Primrose Consulting, and Jeanne Lam, former President of WattPadd.
2. The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker – suggested by Susan Washington, Owner and Advisor at The Washington Group.
3. Breaking the Mold by Blanca Blanco – picked by Felicia Lee, President of Clarity Planning.
4. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown – chosen by Suzanne Siemens, Co-Founder and CEO of Aisle
5. 10-10-10 by Suzy Welch – suggested by Nancy Juetten, President and Founder of Get Known Get Paid
6. Decolonizing Design by Dori Tunstall – recommended by Tania Lo, CEO and Co-Founder of Tandem Innovation Group
7. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown – chosen by Tara Landes, President and Founder of Bellrock Benchmarking
8. Lead from the Outside by Stacey Abrams – suggested by Bonnie Foley-Wong, Sustainable Investment Leader at Mercer, and Patrice Mousseau, CEO and Founder of Satya Organic
9. UnLeadership by Alison Stratten and Scott Stratten – picked by Julie Cole, Co-Founder and Senior Director of Mabel’s Labels
10. Dare to Lead by Brené Brown – suggested by Alisa Hutton, COO of BC Food & Beverage and Denise Shortt, Senior Vice President of TECHNATION
11. Multipliers by Liz Wiseman – recommended by Jill Earthy, CEO of InBC Investment Corp
12. The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women by Dr. Valerie Young – chosen by Cybele Negris, President, CEO and Co-Founder of and Laurel Douglas, CEO of the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior
13. Playing Big by Tara Mohr – picked by Jen Murtagh, Co-Founder of Maturn
14. The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama – suggested by Melissa Allen, Executive Director of the League of Innovators
15. Untamed by Glennon Doyle – recommended by Sara Gross, Founder and CEO of Feisty Media
Last but not least, we asked Christine what her addition to this list would be. She chose The Fearless Organization by Amy Edmondson.
Have you read any of these leadership books, or would you add anything to this list? Let us know over on LinkedIn!
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